#034 Java EE 6 – EJB 3.1
Lab Exercises
For the sake of the simplicity of the lab, most exercises are provided in the form of "ready-to-open-and-run" NetBeans projects. (Many of them are borrowed from "glassfish-samples" and "Java EE 6 tutorial".) Please feel free to create them from scratch if you want to.
It is strongly encouraged, leveraging what is provided in this lab, you do your own experimentation meaning creating/adding your own code as much as you can.
If you have written some code that might help everyone else, please feel free to share them on this codecamp email alias or directly send them to the instructors. Your name will be recognized in this lab if your sample code is chosen to be included. For the tasks that need to be done, please see the "Things to be done" section above.)