#014 Java Polymorphism
Lab Exercises
Exercise 1: Polymorphic behavior via method overriding (30 minutes)
Exercise 2: Polymorphic behavior via abstract class (30 minutes)
Exercise 3: Polymorphic behavior via Java interface (30 minutes)
Homework Exercise (for people who are taking Sang Shin's "Java Programming online course")
Exercise 1: Polymorphic behavior via method overriding
In this exercise, you are going build MyOnlineShop project first and then add ChildrenBook and Cartoon subclasses of the Book class.
Build and run MyOnlineShop NetBeans project
Add ChildrenBook and Cartoon subclasses
(1.1) Build and run MyOnlineShop NetBeans project
The MyOnlineShop project is the same project that you have built and run as part of Java Inheritance hands-on lab. Here we are go...