수요일, 4월 24

#012 공짜 영어 강의 Free English Lecture supported by Humanity Programmes (I)

have attended “Free English Lecture” to improve the level of English skill regarding pronounciation and academic writing. There were 1 exam and 1 lecture last two weeks. At that time, I had many thoughts about the differences and difficulties regarding ethics and Korean teaching methods. Today, there is a lecture. I am anticipated about whether I have another feelings or not. After the session, I promise I will give some notions in terms of learning English in the UK.

Below is the mail from my teacher ————————————————————————————————

Dear Students

As promised, I am writing to give you some feedback on the needs analysis from last Wednesday.  If you were absent that day, you will have the opportunity to add your own comments in the next session (Weds 2 – 4pm, Huxley 342). 
Overall, speaking (general, presenations and interview practice) and pronunciation were marginally more requested than writing (lab reports and general writing).  This week, we will begin the session (approx one hour) with discussion and vocabulary work, focussing additionally on pronunciation.  In the second hour, those who are particularly interested in improving writing skills should stay on as there will be an opportunity to look at specific needs and to do a timed piece of writing in class.
Each session will be slightly different, though this format is likely for the next two sessions prior to a two-hour session on interview techniques (please let me know if you have an interview prior to November 14).  Could I also ask anyone with any immediate concerns (Jian Lei, perhaps we could meet one-to-one before your presentation Wednesday week??) to email me?
As we proceed through the term, I will adapt to any changes/needs as they arise.
Could I remind you to make sure that you email me in advance if you are unable to attend any classes?
Kind regards

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