일요일, 12월 22

#018 에세이2

A cow thief; Jung Ju-Young.



Everyone has debts or favours he or she has to appreciate and pay back. One of the most remarkable differences between man and animal is that man does not forget the favour and tries to return it. The following essay will introduce Jung Ju-Young, the former present of Hyundai group who gave back his debt to North Korea.


In the 1930s, most Korean families lived under grinding poverty. A young boy Jung Ju-Young also lived with starvation in a small village, North Korea. One day, he found a big amount of money which his father earned from selling his only cow. The young boy really wanted to escape from poor daily routine.


Right after he stole the money, he headed for Seoul to make big money. To be succeed was always difficult, even though he did his best all the time. No matter how hard the jobs were, he become a workaholic, indeed. In spite of his effort, he could not go to his hometown and could not repay due to the Korean War.


Eventually, he become the richest man in Korea with his successful business in 1980s. The only one which makes him sad was his debts, because he suffered from nightmares and night terrors every night. It was very difficult or nearly impossible to visit North Korea and meet his father. He believed that a dream comes true and came to North Korea to give cows. Before he died he achieved his dream that he gave thousands of cows to North Korea with hundreds of lorries.


In conclusion, the previous mentioned story tells Jung Ju-Young’s life and it disciplines that man should thanks and repay for favour. With your good will, your dreams will come true such as Jung Ju-Young’s case.


약 1년쯤 전에 biography를 쓰는것이  homework였다. 누구에 관해서 쓸까?

고민하다 결정한 것이 정주영이다. 물론 이야기간 100% 진실이 아니고 미화되었겠지만 아무튼 대단한 사람이다. 소망이 사람을 변화시키는게 맞는거 같다.

젋은이여 꿈을 가져라…  그러나 고 정주영회장처럼 돈만 바라보면서 살아가긴

인생이 너무 짧은듯하다. 그럼 무얼 위해서….?


[Voca] *biograph 전기, ~의 전기를 쓰다. *debt 빚, 부채

*remarkable 주목할만한, 현저한            *eventually 결국은, 최후에는

*nightmare 악몽                                  *night terror 야경증

*in conclusion 결론은, 마지막으로, 결론적으로, 에세이의 마지막에 주로 쓰는 구다. = to conclude, to sum up, all in all, to summarise, in summary

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