금요일, 1월 10

#050 호주 구인사이트

호주 구인 구직

구직활동과 관련하여 호주 정부의 도움이 필요할 경우 참고해야할 사이트 목록 


  • AHRC – Australian Human Rights Commission   Advice on discrimination and your rights. Features a range of resources including: information sheets on anti-discrimination laws and employment, conciliation and complaint information, employment-related case studies, frequently asked questions, conciliation information in various community languages, and several posters and brochures to download.
  • australia.gov.au   The australia.gov.au website is your connection with government in Australia. It links to information and services on around 800 Australian Government websites as well as selected state and territory resources.
  • Australian Apprenticeships   If you are looking for a great way to get skills while you work, you may want to do an Australian Apprenticeship. Learn on the job while you get paid and receive formal training in your field.
  • Australian Apprenticeships Access Program   The Australian Apprenticeships Access Program can help you with pre-vocational training, support and assistance to obtain and finish an Australian Apprenticeship, start work, or go on to further study. For a program referral, visit your local Centrelink or Job Services Australia provider office.
  • Australian Fair Pay Commission   The Australian Fair Pay Commission sets and adjusts the federal minimum wage; minimum classification rates of pay in Australian Pay and Classification Scales; the federal minimum wage for juniors, trainees (including school-based apprentices) and employees with disabilities; minimum wages for piece workers; and casual loadings.
  • Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC)   The Australian Industrial Relations Commission is an independent, national tribunal dealing with employment issues such as industrial dispute resolution, unfair and unlawful dismissal, awards, and industrial action.
  • Australian Taxation Office   Free tax return. Free tax file number. Free information. If you are working or plan to work in Australia learn more about your tax rights and obligations. Remember e-tax is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week and most refunds issued in 14 days.
  • Australian Taxation Office – Employer Essentials   Aimed at Employers, this site gives an overview of commonwealth tax and superannuation obligations when employing workers. The site also provides useful links that will assist employers to meet their obligations.


    • business.gov.au   business.gov.au offers access to government business information and services. It provides comprehensive information on planning, starting, running and exiting a business along with services such as ABN Look up to search for publicly available ABN details, and GovForms for finding and managing government forms.


    • Career Advice Australia   Helps young people aged 13–19 move through school and into further study, training or work. Parents can also access programs to help them guide their children in career decision making.
    • Centrelink   Centrelink is an agency of the Department of Human Services delivering a range of services to the community. Centrelink offers a ‘one-stop shop’ for a range of services delivered on behalf of ten government policy departments. Our website can make it easier for you to explore your options, know what questions to ask and find out more about how we can help you.
    • Community.gov.au   Community.gov.au is a portal to information relevant to individuals and community organisations across Australia. On this part of the Community Portal you will find links to information covering a broad range of work related topics – both from the employer and employee perspective.


      • Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations   The department implements government policies and programs to provide education and training opportunities for all Australians, to increase employment participation and to ensure fair and productive workplaces. Education, training and workforce participation are central to our goal of building a productive and socially inclusive nation, one which values diversity and provides opportunities for all Australians to build rewarding social and economic lives.
      • Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs   The Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) is responsible for social policies and support affecting Australian society and the living standards of Australian families.
      • Department of Immigration and Citizenship   The purpose of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) is to ‘enrich Australia through the well managed entry and settlement of people’. The department’s operational theme is ‘people our business’. For information relating to visas and immigration or if you want to visit, work, study or live in Australia, go to www.immi.gov.au. Employers can also find information about sponsoring skilled people to work in Australia.


        • Employing people from overseas   Help for Australian employers in their dealings with people in Australia who are in the country temporarily and who wish to work. Includes links to the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) for organisations, employer obligations and an easy guide on how to check whether prospective employees are entitled to work in Australia.
        • Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency   The Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency provides advice and information to employers on implementing equal opportunity programs for women in the workplace.


          • Fair Work Australia   Fair Work Australia is the national workplace relations tribunal. It is an independent body with power to carry out a range of functions relating to the safety net of minimum wages and employment conditions, enterprise bargaining, industrial action, dispute resolution, termination of employment and other workplace matters.
          • Fair Work Ombudsman   The Fair Work Ombudsman is the independent Commonwealth agency that ensures the workplace rights and obligations of workers and employers are understood, protected and enforced.


            • General Employee Entitlements and Redundancy Scheme   Provides assistance to employees who have lost their job due to the liquidation or bankruptcy of their employer, and who are owed certain employee entitlements. Includes unpaid wages, annual and long service leave, and capped redundancy pay.
            • Going to Uni   Provides information about starting or completing university study. Search the course finder for courses offered by higher education providers Australian wide. Find out about tuition costs, loans, scholarships and student resources.
            • Golden Gurus   Encourages skilled mature age people who are retired, semi-retired or not working full-time to share their skills and experience as mentors for community organisations and small businesses.


              • Indigenous Cadetship Support   If you are an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tertiary student, the Indigenous Cadetship Support links you with employers through a cadetship arrangement involving full-time study and work placements. It is part of the Australian Government’s Indigenous Employment Program (IEP), which aims to generate more employment opportunities for Indigenous Australians.
              • Indigenous Employment Program   Encourages and supports employers to provide sustainable employment opportunities for Indigenous Australians. The program provides training and employment opportunities, helps employers to develop Indigenous workforce and economic development strategies, and helps Indigenous Australians to develop sustainable businesses and economic opportunities in urban, regional and remote areas.


                • Job Guide   Helps you make subject choices and explore career options. It provides information about different occupations and their education and training pathways.
                • Job Services Australia   Job Services Australia providers give you individual and flexible services to help you find a job. Your provider can give you opportunities for training and skills development, including work experience and other help that is tailored to your needs.
                • JobAccess    JobAccess is an information and advice service funded by the Australian Government. It offers practical workplace solutions for people with disability and their employers. Our website has been designed to provide information developed specifically for employers, job seekers with disability, co-workers of people with disability and Australian Government service providers. It has step-by-step guides and checklists on recruitment, job searching, adjusting a workplace, employer incentives, understanding rights and responsibilities at work and much more.
                • Jobwise   Jobwise has information for mature-age workers to find work or get the skills needed to stay in the workforce. Jobwise is aimed at including mature age Australians in the labour force.


                  • Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program   Provides language, literacy and numeracy training Australia wide for eligible job seekers aged 15 to 64 years. It assists people whose skills are below the literacy level considered necessary to secure sustainable employment or pursue further education and training. For a program referral, visit your local Centrelink or Job Services Australia provider office.


                  • myfuture.edu.au   myfuture is an online career information service to help you make informed decisions about your career. myfuture is for people of all ages and has comprehensive information about occupations, education, salaries and state-by-state labour market information.


                  • National Disability Co-ordination Officer Program (NDCO)   The National Disability Coordination Officer Program assists people with disability to access further education and training and employment through a national network of 31 National Disability Coordination Officers.
                  • New employment services – transition   From 1 July 2009, new employment services will be introduced in Australia. The transition to these new employment services has now begun. The transition website contains information for job seekers, employers and providers about the transition to the new employment services.
                  • New Zealanders in Australia   New Zealanders in Australia is a fact sheet produced by the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship detailing visa, access to benefits and citizenship issues relating to New Zealanders in Australia, and some relevant statistics.


                    • Productivity Places Program   Delivers training places to job seekers and existing workers. Training is delivered by Registered Training Organisations in your local area, and is based on ensuring workers have the skills employers want.


                    • The Indigenous Employment Policy   The Indigenous Employment Policy focuses on creating employment opportunities for Indigenous people in the private sector. Visit the Australian WorkPlace Portal to find information about the Indigenous Employment Policy, employment services and community projects designed specifically for Indigenous Australians.


                    • Valuing Australia’s Older Workers   Provides businesses and training providers with information on responding to the challenges of an ageing workforce. The site encourages businesses to make greater use of older workers and helps training providers better respond to the needs of business in this environment.
                    • VET-FEE HELP Assistance Scheme   VET FEE-HELP is a loan scheme for people participating in vocational education and training. It assists eligible students undertaking certain courses with approved providers, to pay for all or part of their tuition fees.


                      • Workplace Authority   The Workplace Authority provides advice and assistance to employees and employers about their workplace rights, responsibilities and opportunities under the Workplace Relations Act 1996.
                      • workplace.gov.au   The Australian Government Workplace portal provides access to employment services that include volunteer work, career planning, wage management, funding programs, and assistance to people looking for jobs or returning to work. The Portal also provides access to information on employment and workplace relations. It covers find work, finding staff, wages and conditions, labour market opportunities and statistics, employment associations, careers and training, and services for indigenous people.


                        • Year 12 what next?   Year 12 what next? is a guide to help Year 12 students plan their post-school education and training. It explains working life, course options and other places where you can receive planning help and advice.
                        • youth.gov.au   Youth.gov.au will grow to become the central hub of youth related information.

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